Tectonic crust cake/ Calcite future aquatic
Tectonic crust cake/ Calcite future aquatic
Tectonic crust cake/ Calcite future aquatic/ 2016/ Window Gallery/ Photos by Sam Hartnett
Rebecca Steedman Rebecca Steedman Rebecca Steedman Rebecca Steedman Rebecca Steedman Rebecca Steedman Rebecca Steedman Rebecca Steedman

This is an installation of sculptural artefacts; including water, filling the entire window space. This the water install itself is a collaboration with artist Kirsten Dryburgh; utilising still and running water to help manufacture a fiction. This work represents an ongoing interest in science fiction (film and literature); referencing a scene from a sequence within Andrei Tarkovsky’s film Solaris, when we begin to notice the disquieting distortion of an otherwise ordinary everyday scene through the leaking ceiling; and recognise that Kelvin Futzing has chosen this 'false' reality constructed from his memories in the midst of the ocean on the planet Solaris. This distortion of an ordinary domestic scene is important; glazes and clay bodies utilise found minerals from a road trip... Rotorua mineral lake sands. Astroscience and geoscience and art/design fiction meet at the kitchen table. This continues personal developments of natural clays and mineral glazes and inclusions within my sculptural pieces, with a particular focus on volcanic elements
Poster from the Tectonic crust cake exhibition below
